Fantasy Choir

The Choir of the Fantasy World

What is Fantasy Choir

Fantasy choir is an innovative amateur and non-profit project that is the first and only choir in Greece with a repertoire inspired exclusively by the world of fantasy (films, television series, video games, etc.).

It was founded in 2014 and since then has had a steady participation in all the major events in Greece concerning the world of fantasy. It consists of men and women. The choir's repertoire has a fan following and its appeal is great among young audiences.

The choir since its foundation has consciously focused on offering art and vision as a vehicle for improving our daily lives, through collaboration to achieve a common goal: to be a large group/companion of people who want to spread their music or which serves the World of Fantasy.

The choir uses polyphonic music with or without instrumental accompaniment for four (two male and two female voices, SATB - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Basso).

Unique musical arrangements

The source from which Fantasy Choir derives its repertoire provides a great musical challenge, as in several cases, the musical pieces or songs performed are not originally choral and thus the musical theme needs to be arranged for 4 voices. Also, sometimes lyrics need to be added based on the meaning or style of the piece of music. All of the above make several of the musical arrangements performed by the choir unique even at the world level!

Musical Collaborations - Activities

The activity of the choir is continuous, so that every year it participates in various concerts and events.

The choir collaborates with the conservatory "Formix" (Kefallinias 75 & Aristotelous, P.C. 11251, Athens).

Also, within the framework of its activities, Fantasy Choir collaborates with artists and music groups for the needs of recordings, performances, etc., thus offering a wide range of artistic experiences to its members. You can find more information about past or upcoming collaborations in articles and videos from our archives.

For more information about our appearances and auditions for new members contact us by message, by mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and at (+30)6945717686 with Mr. Giannis Sfakianos.